To book any meeting room in the company open Outlook

In Outlook app in a bottom left corner select calendar icon 

Choose New Appointment

Please enter appointment: Title, Start time and End time

Click Location button and search for the room you want, select room you wish to book and confirm by clicking OK button

Invite the people required and press Save

You can use the Scheduling Assistant tab at the top to help you find a free time for the room and all the attendee's 

Back on the Meeting Tab you can press save once you are happy with all the settings

You will receive an email from the room to say if your booking was accepted or not


If it is declined it will tell you why and what changes you will need but normally it is the room is not available when you need it

Please make the changes and resend the invite

Al can so book the meetings from the Outlook app on your phone or tablet

For any queries, please contact IT member or email [email protected].